You may hunt a part time job in the Internet. 你可以去网上找兼职工作。
How are you doing in your part time job. 你的兼职工作干得怎么样?
Your employer could be from your last part time or summer job if you are a graduate job seeker. 工作经历证明人可以是你前公司,假如你是应届毕业生,也可以是假期实习公司。
Then, search the job banks using "part-time"," part time" or "part time job" as keywords. 然后在搜索栏中用“兼职”这样的关键字搜索。
This summer vacation I got a part-time job in a snack bar. 今年暑假我在一家快餐店打工。
If you are self-employed, you may pick up a new client, or you may win a side or part time job that is very welcome. 如果你是自己当老板,你可能会得到一个新客户,或者你可能赢得某个订单。
I had a good part time job off campus that paid pretty well. 我在校外有一份收入可观的临时工作。
I need a part time job because of lacking money. 我需要一份兼职工作,是因为缺钱。
Then you have to deal with getting doing school work, peer pressure, and maybe holding down a part time job so you will have spending money. 那么你就必须做作业,面对同龄人的压力,或者干一份兼职,以便自己有钱花。
I asked why he does't use a computer, he said he has no part time job at this moment, so he has no desire to pay for that. 我问他,为什么不用电脑,他说,因为现在他还没有找到工作,所以他不想再额外花钱了。
The personnel are separated into part-timer and full-time staff. it is a part time job. 全体职工分为非全日工制和全日制工作人员。
Will you have a part time job when you study in uk? 你在英国期间是否打工?
Maybe you can ease off working load by finding a part time job. 找一份兼职工作,也许会减轻你的工作负担。
There are many advantages for a student to have a part time job. 学生做兼职工作有很多优点。
She get a part-time job to supplement the family income 她找了一个兼职工作以补充家庭收入
On a shiny Sunday, I had a part time job to move the furniture for a company. 一个阳光明媚的星期天,我得到一份兼职,给一家公司搬家具。
The students of UK often have a part time job to reduce the family's burden, do not you want to do like them? 英国本土的学生都通过打工来减少家庭的负担,你不准备打工来减少你家庭的经济负担吗?
He had an excess income from his part time job. 他通过兼职有一份额外的收入。
Second, have a part time job for poor student is a good way to help reduce his family burden. haveaparttimejob不能直接作主语,可以改为不定式作主语tohaveaparttimejob,或者动名词作主语havingaparttimejob。第二处错误是poorstudent。
Maybe we can have both our part time job and the courses at the same time, and then I can join the summer camp, and you can go traveling with your family in August. 也许我们可以一边暑修一边打工,然后我再去夏令营,到八月,你也可以和家人去旅行。
Jessica: What have you learned from your part time job in the former IT company? 杰西卡:当你在之前的那家IT公司做兼职的时候,你都学到了什么?
Jessica: What have you learned from the part time job you have had? 杰西卡:从你以前做兼职的工作中,你学到了什么?
Overseas employees are not allowed to change employment or take up part time job without the permission of the immigration department. 海外雇员,未经入境处许可,不得在本港转换工作或从事兼职工作。
Taking a part time job when you in school can improve interpersonal skills and your confidence to deal with a variety of different people. 在校学生打工可以锻炼人际交往能力,同时与不同的人打交道也可以增强他们的自信心。
Due to the hard pressure of car and house loans, I am looking for a part time job on weekend. 由于车贷,房贷月还款压力大,特求一周末兼职工作,薪金可面谈。
Besides, taking a part& time job, we may get paid more or less to help our family. 假期做apart&timejob的报酬或多或少有些帮助。
I was tied up with a part time job. I shouldn't have taken it. 我在打零工,很忙。我真的不应该做这份工作。
It is a part time job. 这是非全日性工作。
My part time job is at a traditional British Fish'n'Chips shop. 我兼职工作是在一家英国传统的炸鱼薯条饭店。
Under the conditions of reforming the fee method in university, helping the poor students through taking a part-time job while studying at collage practiced in university library is very necessary for keeping the stability of campus and increasing the quality of university students. 在高校收费制度改革的条件下,通过图书馆勤工助学活动来济困助学,对于维护校园稳定,提高大学生素质很有必要。